Friday, October 12, 2012


Step 1: Remember NaNoWriMo and how you've always thought about doing it.

Step 1 1/2: Realize that for the first time you have an idea you've been kicking around.

Step 2: Think about engaging, non-commitally.

Step 3: Tell a friend. Try to get them to do it with you. Bounce ideas around. Wrinkle out some plot points and thoughts.

Step 4: Get really, really excited about the story! Timeline out some things. Imagine history of society.

Step 5: Hesitate about telling too many people for when you inevitably give up, back out, fail, or fail to start.

Step 6: Spend a few hours researching, installing, and test running no less than 5 different free writing programs.

Step 7: Become excited about this new adventure!

Step 8: Become terrified about this new adventure!

Step 9: Wonder how you will keep your life intact when you barely have a handle on it now, and what the boyfriend will think.

Step 10: Realize this is something thousands of people fail at each year! So no worries, and it's better to give up than never start.

Besides, it was National Coming Out Day when I woke up, so here goes...
Folks, I'm participating in National Novel Writing Month.

And my story...will be EPIC.

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