This has actually never happened to me before. I am a master at connecting with people who live one to three thousand miles away from me, and it's pretty much impossible to randomly run into them. For some reason, it was the most awkward thing I'd ever experienced. What if he came over? What if he expected me to come sit by him?
(Yes, looking back it makes sense that he hadn't tried very hard to contact me during those two weeks either, but at the time I just kind of faced away from him and turned a little red.)
On the way back from getting free popcorn (I know - awesome, right?) someone in the group he was in recognized Roomie and we ended up getting dragged in. We waved and smiled at each other, but no attempt at conversation was made. Relieved, Roomie and I went back to our blanket and enjoyed the movie (aka making fun of all the characters that were stupid enough to be eaten by dinosaurs). It wasn't until after the movie that things got awkward again, as Roomie started talking to the group of people. I ended up standing by the guy.
After a few stilted minutes of small talk (how's school, how's work, how's life...that's cool...) Roomie saved me and said we should go. Except... the most movie-worthy epitome of awkward moments happened.
I said bye to the guy, he held up his hand for a wave, but I thought he was going for a high five, and then he went for a hug. It took only a second, but it was the most discombobulated moment of my life. Afterward, like the dork I am, I said we should go for the high five anyway, not thinking about the fact that my arms were full of blankets and such. For some brilliant reason I decided to use my left arm even though I am not left-handed in any way, shape, or form. I missed. On the second pass, I still kind of missed. I shifted all the blankets so I could use my right hand, and still produced a sub-par high five.
At this point I decided it was best to just walk away.
It was awesome!