I went to the craft store and picked up all the supplies I should need! Then came the part that goes perfectly amazingly in my brain but in all honestly are probably much more difficult.
The first step in creating a pattern from your body with the method is either using old clothing or creating a protective covering. I chose to use plastic wrap to cover the area I wanted to map out.
Next, you cover yourself with masking tape!
One good tip I got (...from youtube...) is to not just wrap the tape around your body because it might constrict too much to give you an accurate measurement. This took me about an hour... I first thought about doing the shoulder straps at the same time but about the time I got to my shoulder blades I changed my mind - it was something I could do better without wearing it like this.
Next, draw the lines to follow for your armor. Spoiler alert - it is actually quite difficult to draw on yourself in a mirror. Not something my brain connected with at all!
Also, I started cutting it off before I remembered to take a picture. There are also layers in the armor, so for my brain I drew a bit of the top layer I haven't built yet just to make sure my brain is following along. Once you're satisfied (enough), cut it off in a place where you wouldn't mind a seam (I chose down one side, for now). Later you will be cutting the pieces apart.
Next I did the armor belt:
Since I have less curves around my waist, I used longer pieces of tape and it went much faster. Again, did two layers for lines and luckily with this method if I want to resize or adjust it just takes more tape and time. I also did the bracers:
This is as far as I've gotten tonight - I don't want to cut them apart until I have time to trace them onto craft foam! That will be the main structure for my armor.
I'm a little nervous because I know it's not very clean right now, but I'm hopeful that it will turn out!